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AlzRisk Paper Detail

Reference: Sundelof, 2009a
Cohort: Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men
Risk Factor: Inflammatory Biomarkers

Average Follow-up Time Detail
Follow-up was defined as the time from the baseline examination to the date of diagnosis of AD, the date of diagnosis of any other cognitive impairment making the subsequent diagnosis of AD impossible, the date of death, the date of move away from Uppsala county (n=16), or the end of the follow-up period on December 31, 2005.

In this study, the investigators were working with two cohorts defined by age at baseline, each of which contributes a row to this table. This entry reflects consideration of the 1062 participants who were approximately 70 years old at baseline.

The median follow-up from the age 70 examination was 11.3 years (range 1.01-14.3 years).

Exposure Detail
CRP levels were assessed from serum samples at baseline.

"High sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) measurements were performed by latex enhanced reagent (Dade Behring, Deerfield, IL) using a Behring Bn ProSpec analyzer (Dade Behring). the intraassay CV of the CRP method was 1.4% at both 1.23 mg/L and 5.49 mg/L."

Ethnicity Detail
All participants were residents of Uppsala, Sweden.

Age Detail
The authors stratified results by age at baseline. This entry summarizes the results for those who were age 70 at baseline.

Screening and Diagnosis Detail
Screening Method:
MMSEMini-Mental State Examination (Folstein 1975)

AD Diagnosis:
DSM IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV
NINCDS ADRDA National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Diseases and Stroke/Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association Criteria (McKhann 1984)

Screening: (Described in Sundelof et al. 2008) "Subjects with low test performance (Mini-Mental State Examination [MMSE] score < 26; or at age 82 years, MMSE score < 26 and/or 7-minute screen = high risk), were referred to the Geriatric Memory Clinic at the Uppsala University Hospital for a thorough clinical assessment. Further, all available medical records from the Uppsala University Hospital, all general practitioners in Uppsala (private and/or public), and all community nursing homes and dementia group living settings were reviewed on all subjects (n = 1,153) from 1990 up to December 31, 2005, regardless of the results on the cognitive screening."

Total dementia definition: All-cause dementia cases included cases with:
(1) AD (defined with NINCDS-ADRDA and DSM-IV criteria), (2) AD and cerebral vascular disease (AD+CVD) (defined as AD cases with <= 2 clinically silent brain infarctions, (3) vascular dementia (VaD) (defined with Chui criteria[29]), and (4) dementia not otherwise specified (NOS).

Covariates & Analysis Detail
Analysis Type:
Cox proportional hazards regression

Levels of CRP were evaluated as both continuous and categorical variables (above or below/at the median). This table reports the results for CRP treated as a continuous variable.

AD Covariates:
AIManti-inflammatory medication
APOE4APOE e4 genotype
BMIbody mass index
DMdiabetes mellitus
SCHserum cholesterol
SMsmoking status
SHstroke history

TD Covariates:
AIManti-inflammatory medication
APOE4APOE e4 genotype
BMIbody mass index
DMdiabetes mellitus
SCHserum cholesterol
SMsmoking status
SHstroke history