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AlzRisk Cohort Detail

Cohort: Personnes Agées QUID
Risk Factors:

Introduction to the Cohort
The PAQUID cohort is 3,777 individuals aged 65 years or older representative of community residents of Gironde and Dordogne, two areas in southwestern France. The study started in 1988 and has continued to the present. A major research goal was to study determinants of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Ethnicity Breakdown
Participants were all French.

Diagnosis & Evaluation Methods
At baseline screening, subjects were seen at home by a psychologist and completed a questionnaire to collect cognitive and functional status. Intellectual functioning was examined through "series of neuropsycholiogical tests sensitive for the detection and monitoring of cognitive decline in elderly individuals". At end of interview, a psychologist used the DSM II-R criteria for dementia. Next, a senior neurologist went to participant's home to confirm and complete DSM III-R criteria for dementia and applied NINCDS-ADRDA criteria and the Hachinski score to document a diagnosis of dementia and etiology, i.e. probable or possible AD, vascular, or other type.

Dartigues JF, Gagnon M, Barberger-Gateau P, Letenneur L, Commenges D, Sauvel C, et al. The Paquid epidemiological program on brain ageing. Neuroepidemiol. 1992;11 Suppl 1:14-18.

Dartigues JF, Gagnon M, Michel P, Letenneur L, Commenges D, Barberger-Gateau P, et al. The Paquid research program on the epidemiology of dementia. Methods and initial results. Rev Neurol (Paris). 1991;147(3):225-230.