Ethnicity Breakdown
All participants were residents of Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Presumably, the vast majority are Japanese.
Diagnosis & Evaluation Methods
AHS participants who reside in Hiroshima and who were aged 60 and older were screened for dementia beginning in 1992. As of 1997, 84.5% of eligible participants agreed to participate (2,463 participants). For a detailed description of screening and dementia diagnosis protocols, see Yamada et al. (1999).
Yamada M, Sasaki H, Mimori Y, Kasagi F, Sudoh S, Ikeda J, et al. Prevalence and risks of dementia in the Japanese population: RERF's adult health study Hiroshima subjects. Radiation Effects Research Foundation. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1999 Feb;47(2):189-195.
Yamada M, Kasagi F, Sasaki H, Masunari N, Mimori Y, Suzuki G. Association between dementia and midlife risk factors: the Radiation Effects Research Foundation Adult Health Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2003 Mar;51(3):410-414.
Wong FL, Yamada M, Sasaki H, Kodama K, Akiba S, Shimaoka K, et al. Noncancer disease incidence in the atomic bomb survivors: 1958-1986. Radiat Res. 1993 Sep;135(3):418-430.
Radiation Effects Research Foundation. Adult Health Study (AHS), available at Accessed Aug 28, 2009.