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AlzRisk Paper Detail

Reference: Hebert, 1992
Cohort: East Boston Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly
Risk Factor: Alcohol

Average Follow-up Time Detail
"The average interval from flrst home interview, when the population was largely disease free, to clinical evaluation for incident Alzheimer's disease was 4.7 years."

Ethnicity Detail
Study population is from East Boston, MA. No information on ethnicity was provided.

Age Detail
Participants were 65 years or older at baseline. Mean age distribution is not given but age categories are: 65-69 (n=159), 70-74 (n=155), 75-79 (n=114), >80 (n=85).

Screening and Diagnosis Detail
AD Diagnosis:
NINCDS ADRDA National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Diseases and Stroke/Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association Criteria (McKhann 1984)

Covariates & Analysis Detail
Analysis Type:
Logistic regression

"Since the data were obtained from a complex sample for which the fraction sampled differed according to decline memory test score, it was necessary to adjust for the sample fraction in the logistic regression".

AD Covariates:
SMsmoking status